Great White Snark: The more we waste time on the internet together, the happier we'll be. Cause my links are your links....

Monday, September 16, 2013

The more we waste time on the internet together, the happier we'll be. Cause my links are your links....

I literally haven't done one of these since 2011, so I think we're overdue for some sharing of time-wasting internet things. 

  • This is a game where you're a giraffe who has to stretch his neck to give kisses to other giraffes. If that doesn't make you smile, then you probably have no soul. Or you're Voldemort, and have broken your soul into 7 pieces with some seriously dark magic. 
  • How women saved Star Trek and are generally awesome at being geeks and not giving two flips. 
  • On the topic of boldly going and all that, I think the title of this article does a good job summing this up: Would you sign up to die on Mars? But in other news, GUYS. WE ARE GOING TO LIVE ON OTHER PLANETS. THIS IS LIKE STAR WARS ACTUALLY HAPPENING (so where is my Han Solo?? R2-D2?). Of course we're wrecking it by making it a reality show, which is very Asimov-ian of us, but what'd you expect.
  • A good and very relevant article about comparing yourself to others (especially in regards to social media) and how we need to cut it out.
  • I don't know if I'd go so far as to say I'm "dating myself," but this article has some good ideas about how to actually enjoy being single. Which seriously, why haven't I written a book on this yet?
  • Also, I don't think I need 8 reasons to wear a petticoat, because the word "petticoat" is a good enough reason.
  • And finally, this might be the most perfect Tumblr in existence. 

Enjoy! And if you have any cool sites, games, articles, etc. please share in the comments! Because sharing is caring. Except when it comes to herpes. 

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