Great White Snark: I once read somewhere that Robert Smith had the 2nd most recognizable singing voice in Great Britain.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I once read somewhere that Robert Smith had the 2nd most recognizable singing voice in Great Britain.

I agree with this sentiment.

So I'm shopping in Guess today and I hear this song on the radio, and I'm listening to the singer and I'm 105% sure that the guy singing is Robert Smith. Except it was like, this upbeat techno-esque music and I'm like, "Wtf, mate?" Also, how is it possible that a Robert Smith song exists that I've never heard? I was BAFFLED.

So I whip out my phone and Google the s**t out of it and find out yes, it is Robert Smith (+1 for me!). And I actually quite like the song.

I just wanted to share. :)

1 comment:

  1. I heard this too! Think it was Express or Forever 21. (Either one's a good guess, right?) I was like, "This song is fun. I dig his voice because he sounds a lot like Robert Smith. Wait."
    Yeah. Cool shopping experiences make life that much better.
