Great White Snark: Say it once, say it twice, take a chance and roll the dice.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Say it once, say it twice, take a chance and roll the dice.


So, to kickstart the Halloween madness, I'd like to present you with my favorite covers of the ultimate Halloween anthem, "This is Halloween," from Nightmare Before Christmas.

This song is awesome, and I wanted to share a couple of different versions with you!

First of all, Marilyn Manson's very Marilyn Manson-esque cover (did you know his real name is BRIAN WARNER?? How un-threatening!).

The first time I heard that version I almost cried. It's scary. But then, it is Marilyn Manson singing about Halloween.

Next up is a rather cute version by Panic! at the Disco. I really like P!ATD, because I think they're original, albeit highly emo. In a world of emo's, they kind of stick out to me. Also, their album "Pretty. Odd." is the single most Beatles-like album to be released since Sgt. Pepper's. I digress.

I really like their take on it because it's very Panic!, but it also retains the Elfman-esque feel of the original. Also the orchestration is pretty ace. I quite like it. I didn't at first, but like the band in general, it's grown on me.

The last version I want to show you is an instrumental cover. It's SO creepy. It sounds like a broken music box, which is spooky and awesome and works with the song in general.

I love the whole music box thing. I don't know why. Even as a little girl, my favorite store in the mall were the ones that sold all the music boxes. You know the ones?? Anyway, I think this is cool, even if you don't. HOORAY SYNTHESIZERS.

So friends. Which version do you like best?

1 comment:

  1. I finally watched that movie last year because my friend kept insisting I was like Sally... But I still get creeped out by the soundtrack...
